The Deep End - Part One

I'm going to be making an assumption that folks here on the retro inspired web are probably old, millenial goobesses.

If you are not, WELCOME YOUNG PEOPLE!!! (do you think I'm cool? please, say yes)

Well, I've lived in the same small city/large town my whole life. Lately new homes, businesses, and parks have been popping up - or so I think. These aren't new, though! I'll mention these new places to my mom, partner, and siblings (both of which moved away a decade and a half ago) and they'll look at me dumbfounded and say, "thats always been there."


I can't believe my family would treat me in such a heartless manner!

You know what I'm saying, right? Honestly, you youngsters I was ribbing earlier probably also know.

A new, interestion landmark has revealed itself to you in your life, and it turns out it's not even new. It's always been in your life.

Now you can't unsee it! Every time you ride your bike past, or zoom by in your car, you acknowledge it. You may even start to remember it being there this whole time!

This epiphone has shifted your perception of the universe.

Honestly, that might be alright, because you've been looking for a new pho place since your last one had to close due to a Tesla being driven through the front door (and it did not fit)

I'm normally pretty open to these revelations. They're usually incosiquential enough.

Let's not forget.

Not every epiphone is so mundane.